Facebook is a given for florists and Instagram, with its highly visual style, is a natural fit for the industry, but Twitter? That can be a harder...
7 Simple Strategies to Improve Your Instagram Game
In less than nine years, Lily Greenthumb’s in Charlotte, North Carolina, has grown from a tiny startup to one of the most sought after florists in...
Millennial Florist Shares Tips on Attracting New Customers
Sustainability. Ease. On-trend color combinations. These were just a few of the topics tackled last month during the Society of American Florists’...
AFE Promotes Video Contest and Giving Tuesday
Want to win $4,000? (Who doesn’t?) Floral industry members and their customers still have time to create a short video that plays up their love of...
Small Business Saturday: Spread the Word on Social
Want to be in sync with millions of consumers who want to jumpstart their holiday purchasing while supporting their local communities? Quick! Update...
SAF’s Petal It Forward Generates 81.9 Million Impressions
The Society of American Florists’ feel-good Petal It Forward effort on Oct. 11 reached millions of consumers, reporters and digital influencers,...
Got Petal It Forward Video? Check out AFE’s New Contest
Did you capture footage of smiling happy people giving and receiving flowers during your Oct. 11 Petal It Forward event? It could lead you to some...
Petal It Forward Participants Recount Stories of Delight, Surprise and Comfort
Tears of joy. Messages of thanks. Communities filled with flowers. These are just some of the stories coming in — and still being shared on social...
Across the Country, Floral Industry Members ‘Petal It Forward’
By the end of today, tens of thousands of Americans will have shared free flowers with family, friends and strangers — experiences that will lead to...
Petal It Forward Wrap Up: Share Updates, Say Thank You
You gave away your last pair of Petal It Forward bouquets hours ago. Now, toot your horn, follow up with reporters and say thank you to all...
Florists in All 50 States Plan Local Events for Petal It Forward
North Dakota has joined the ranks of states participating in the Society of American Florists’ 2017 Petal It Forward, officially making the effort...
Amplify the Buzz: Support the Petal It Forward Thunderclap
Raising consumer awareness about the benefits of flowers is the goal of Petal It Forward, and the Society of American Florists makes it easy for the...
Attract News Coverage with Petal It Forward Media Advisory and Press Release
From media advisories to talking points, the Society of American Florists has tools and advice at safnow.org/pif-press to help members attract...
Watch ‘The Social Selling Mindset’ WebBlast
Are you ready to have the phone ring more? Get more people in your store? Increase sales? Gain confidence? Then watch “The Social Selling Mindset"...
Petal It Forward Prep: Media Outreach
#PetalItForward Prep: Media Outreach Posted by Society of American Florists on Tuesday, September 26, 2017