At Arizona Family Florist, employees are challenged to perform random acts of kindness, treated to massage breaks during busy times and have monthly...
4 Tips to Generate Back to School Business
Back to school season is in full swing, making it the perfect time to score more sales and connect with a new demographic. The Society of American...
Reignite Your Staff
Stress and burnout have taken a toll on workers — and not just on some of the record 47 million people who quit their jobs last year. Even those who...
7 Tips to Promote Flowers in April for Stress Awareness Month
Stress has been top-of-mind ever since COVID hit. But you can take another opportunity to highlight the role that flowers play in reducing stress...
To Combat Stress, Washington Post Recommends ‘Bringing Nature Indoors’
Plants received a prominent plug last week when the Washington Post named them excellent stress busters. An article in the paper’s home and garden...
Major Media Coverage Touts Flowers’ Stress-Busting Powers
Earlier this month, a team of ambassadors representing the Society of American Florists trekked through the Pacific Northwest in a vintage-style van...
Help Customers Find Their Zen
On January 1, millions of people will once again embark on a path for self-improvement (at least for a few weeks). Some will vow to cut out vices...
N.J. Florist Offers Employers Workplace ‘De-Stress’ Demos
A florist in Princeton, New Jersey, may have found a way to get her designs in front of a key demographic — while helping to turnaround a troubling...